Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nuclearheadache's Guide to Everyday Nutcases (part 2)

Yes, it's that time again.  Time to play America's favorite game show, "Hey! I know a jerk like that."  For those who are just joining us and who want to play along at home, this is where I profile personality disorders that aren't quite clinical, but are definitely enough to be an everyday pain the ass.  So, without further ado:

         Hook Up Man
You run across this sort of person from time to time.  If you find yourself in a situation where you have to deal with such a person on a constant and regular basis, then you have nothing but my deepest sympathy.  This is the guy that's always pushing you for small favors and rule exceptions that really test the boundaries of what you're comfortable with.  His every sentence starts with a hushed and conspiratorial, "Hey man...".  He could be a customer asking you to slip him a little extra something-or-other that you're not supposed to, or he could be a co-worker that wants to slip out the door ten minutes early and he wants you to punch his time card out for him.

Hook-Up Man doesn't really seem too concerned that these requests might get you in trouble, or even cost you your job; if you're cool, you'll do it.  He has a rather bizarre conception of "cool".  His evaluations in these matters seem based entirely on how much you're willing to do what he asked.  On the one hand, it's a cheap manipulation.  He's banking on the fact that your self-esteem is so fragile that you'll jump through hoops just to win his approval.  But on another level he really seems to believe this.  "Cool" people are his partners in crime.  They slip him stuff on the sly, and they help him get away with things.

The really strange encounters with Hook Up Man are the cases where he's a complete stranger, but yet somehow still expects you to put your job on the line to "hook him up."  For instance, you have the customer mentioned above.  He seems incapable of comprehending that you don't know him from Adam, and he means about as much to you as a stain on the wallpaper.  He just doesn't grasp that you don't feel the slightest inclination to put yourself out on his behalf.  The world revolves around Hook Up Man.  The rest of us are mere tools at his disposal.  He just has to grease us up by telling us how "cool" we'll be if we do what he wants.

      Lady Stavrogin
I've named this type after a character in Dostoevsky's novel The Possessed.  For those who have read the book, you might have some idea of the type I'm talking about.  "Imperious" is the word usually used to describe this sort of woman.  She is usually an older woman, strong-willed and self-sufficient, and completely beyond reasonable.  While Hook Up Man's cajoling is merely a pathetic nuisance, Lady Stavrogin has intimidation down to an art form.  Everyone that knows her is a little bit afraid of her, and God help anyone who has the misfortune of incurring her fiery wrath.  She has been known to reduce people to a smoldering pile of ash, simply by furrowing her brows.

She has an uncanny ability to induce people to obsequiousness against their nature and their own better judgment.  The means by which she holds this control over people is somewhat of a mystery.  She projects an air of authority that many hesitate to question.  She looks upon other people with the sort of contempt that one usually reserves for insects.  Everyone around her is a "fool" because they can't fulfill her will fast enough or good enough.  While this would reduce anyone else to an annoying whine about the futility of their own satisfaction, with Lady Stavrogin it is somehow taken for granted that she must be pleased.  The subjects in her court give a few quick bows and strive to do better next time.

Whatever the source of her power, she is definitely well aware of it.  At some point  in her life, she learned that opposing her will over others like a dark seething cloud was the way to get whatever she wanted, and she preceded to hone this ability like a blade.  She wants what she wants, and she wants it NOW!  "How" is for the disposable flotsam around her to worry about.  It's pointless to argue that such-and-such is impossible, or to make excuses.  She doesn't want to hear it.  "Impossible" isn't in her vocabulary.  All she has to do is loom larger and darker, and someone, somehow will get it done.  Approach this type with extreme caution.  She is like a black hole.  Once you fall into her overwhelming field of gravity, there may be no escape.


  1. Man, I just call her Honey or "spouse" on medical forms. Now I will piss her off via facebook, which only you will see. I am curious (As I am sure you too are as well) to the outcome.

  2. Maybe I'm missing it, but I fail to see the problem with Lady Stavrogin. I haven't read The Possessed, but it seems that for those of us with slightly more sycophantic tendencies, hooking up with one of these women might be just the ticket. (Or does that just make you into Hook Up Man?)
    It Just Got Interesting

  3. Oh, man, I get both of these types in my cab all of the time. From the guy wanting me to cut across five lanes of traffic to make a dangerous left to the old lady expecting me to make an illegal u-turn in rush hour. The always tell me, "Don't worry, you won't get a ticket."

    I always refuse. Tip be damned, I'm not risking accidents or tickets for these people.

    It is pretty funny how upset they get when they're refused.

  4. @Scott: Somehow I knew you'd say something along those lines.

    @Brent: I truly hope you're joking. Otherwise, may God have mercy on your soul.

    @Johann: "Don't worry, you won't get a ticket." People are awfully sure of things when it isn't their ass on the line, aren't they?

  5. I am proud (not to mention relieved) to say that I do not know anyone who fits these descriptions.

    Thank whatever for that.

    But even if I DID know a Hook Up Man, it wouldn't matter. I'm not particularly inclined to give people what they want. I'm kind of mean like that. Once you ask for it, I don't want to give it to you.

  6. @Chanel: One of my duties at work is to go around on Saturday morning and shut the feed off to the different machines, and then let them run out of material about 10 minutes later. It's supposed to be done at a certain specific time. Well, there was one machine operator who worked there briefly who was always pestering me to shut his feed off early. I always said, "No" of course. I wasn't going to get in trouble just so this idiot could knock off five minutes early. It wasn't even a question that I "might" get in trouble. The foreman would undoubtedly know something was up when the machine ran out early. But like I said above, people like that don't care. I think anyone with any sense knows to say "no" to people like that, but their pestering is still annoying.

    That's just one encounter with that type. I've had many more than I care to count. As for the "Lady Stavrogin" type, I know at least three. I hesitate to even go into more specific detail lest they ever read this. Pssst they're scary. :)

  7. Ah, the hook up man I used to run into him a lot years and years ago when I worked at a grocery store. People would actually ask me NOT to ring up items so they didn't have to pay for them or better yet change non-food items to food items so they could pay with food stamps because, yeah, paying for beer with foodstamps isn't suspocious.

  8. I'm glad you said no. Did he really think an extra five minutes was that important? I can't imagine how five minutes could possibly make a difference to anyone who can't read the future.

    I dunno...the Lady Stavrogin type sounds rather interesting. Like Lady Catherin de Bourgh in Pride and Prejudice. I think I'd like to watch one in action. Just to see.

  9. I was going to say these were good descriptions of types of people everyone knows. Then I read that Chanel doesn't know anyone like this. Now I am confused. Maybe "hook up" guys only ask other guys for favors, and only guys notice the overbearing Stavrogins. Or maybe Chanel has had a sheltered life :)

    I run into each type just about every day.

  10. @Asha: Yes, that's exactly it. It's funny that they expect you to sympathize with them, while they're simultaneously demonstrating how little they care about you. Gee, it's almost as if they're just incredibly self-absorbed people who are just trying to use others.

    @Chanel: They do have do have a certain fascination, I suppose, and it can be helpful to have one take up your cause, but their overbearing nature quickly, quickly, quickly becomes oppressive and tiring.

    @Doug: I was wondering the same thing. There's probably a female equivalent of the "Hook Up" type, but I imagine that their approach is a little different. The guys do seem to focus on other guys for asking their favors. Although, considering Asha's example above, I'm sure their not beyond cajoling women when the occasion calls for it. As for the "Stavrogin" type, they too seem to mostly dominate men. But I've observed a certain...something, between them and other women. They don't necessarily push other women to do their bidding, but they do kind of rule the roost, so to speak. I think they mostly see men as put on this Earth to be their servants and handy-men, they're just around to fetch and fix things.

  11. As amazing as it may seem, there are a lot of Hook Up Guys in prison. They'll sidle up and whisper their needs and vow I'd be really cool if I helped them out. Shouting out loud "You want me to do WHAT???" and laughing in their face usually sends them scurrying off. And Lady Estrogen needs taking down a peg or two whenever possible. Whenever one hoves in to view like like a four masted schooner of pomposity with their little cloud of toadies and making imperious demands your best bet is to snap your fingers at her and say "Are you the waitress? Fetch me a beer girl, and be quick about it!" Then slap her on the butt as she turns away. It's all about dominance and submission. If you play the game you have to be one or the other.

  12. @Rev: Hook Up Guys in prison!? People looking for others to bend the rules for them? You don't say? I'm sure its dangerous all around to get too chummy with the prisoners.

    As for Lady "Estrogen" (I like what you did there), I'll let you know how that goes. :)

  13. I have not had a sheltered life!

    Maybe I don't know a woman like that because I'm a woman like that. Maybe I'm the overbearing, unreasonable, head of the roost woman. Did you ever think about that? Maybe I've never met one because I'm so powerful the other ones bow down to me!

    Alright...I might live a sheltered existence. Maybe.

  14. I'd say you live a blessed existence, if you don't know anyone like these two.

  15. This is kind of off point, but I really want to have Miller High Life sponsor Atypical Read, and I guess the tie to this is I need to figure out how to be Hook Up Man to make it happen...Maybe an atypical letter to them?

    Oh, and my wife thought she knew what I meant with the Facebook reference, but she was wrong. I think I encouraged her to read more Dostoevsky, which I might later regret. The reading part I mean. Can't help the facts on the other.

  16. Last thing, the Hook Up Man looks a lot like the singer of Static X, but with his hair down.

  17. @Scott: If you wake up one night and find her standing over you in the dark, seething with anger and then she hisses, "I'll never forgive you for this!", don't blame me...or Dostoevsky for that matter.

  18. Scott, you better hope she just sticks with Dostoevsky and doesn't switch to Machiavelli!! Boy, would your life get really interesting. Hee hee hee... I could just imagine the blog posts now...

  19. LOL. I know people that fit both of those profiles! Thankfully neither is a CLOSE friend. Hook Up Man always cracks me up though thinking I've got his back just because he winked at me or some other gesture he thought was totally radical at the time. :)

  20. They are a little full of themselves, aren't they? ;)

  21. Hook up man sounds a bit like my ex-husband. His famous line is "let me ask you, what are you gonna do for me" (wish you could hear my best guido impersonation when I say that)Ugh!!!

    And Lady Stavrogin sounds a bit like his mother. Only she would humiliate you and act like she didn't know what she was saying but she knew exactly what she was saying. Every one would say "oh, she doesn't realize she is saying these things" and I would sit there and think are these people freaking stupid? She is giving everyone back handed slaps left and right...Not I said the daughter-in law with a big mouth and an "Oh, no she didn't!"

  22. My mother-in-law can be like that at times. It's like she's trying to insinuate things, but her insinuation is so blatantly obvious it somehow goes beyond being outright-rude. It's kind of like the difference between someone telling you something straight to your face, or someone trying to whisper about you to the person next to them, but they're actually screaming at the top of their lungs.

    But she's a different type altogether. I'm not sure what. I think they broke the mold when they made her. I think they broke the mold the process of making her, and then they just said the Hell with it.


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