Give Me a Headache

Ask me a question about anything, and I mean anything.  It can be thought-provoking, interesting, stupid, funny...whatever.  As the title of this page suggests, I'm mostly looking for something that will grease the wheels and get me thinking.  I'll pick one question, say once a month, and I'll write a post attempting to answer it.  I'll post the question along with the answer, and post the link to your site if you have one.  Make things a little more interactive.  Anyway, we'll see how it goes.  This might work, and it might not.

Two things to note:
  1. It'll be an ongoing thing, hopefully.  Although I'll be doing it month by month, the question will not always be from that month.  If someone asks a question in June, for example, and I answer a different question in June, that doesn't mean I'm disregarding every other question posted in June.  I can choose any question at any time from the entire history of questions asked.  Is this making any sense?
  2. Of course, I'm always trying to come up with new ideas for posts on my own.  I'll use this question and answer format as long as it works for the post, and I'm more than willing to credit anyone with providing an idea.  If I wasn't I wouldn't be proposing this in the first place.  However, times may come when I've been independently developing an idea for a post that may overlap with a question asked.  I have no interest in hearing complaints about this, especially in cases where the question is very general.  If you ask a question like, "Is there a God?", you can't claim to be the inspiration for any and all subsequent posts I write about religion or the existence of God.  I was asking that question long before I started this blog.  We all were.  It's not a new idea.  You get what I'm saying, right?  As far as the questions go, the more off-the-wall the better, as far as I'm concerned.  The more weirder the question, the more likely I'll try to answer it, and the more likely I haven't thought of it already.  
So bring 'em on.  I can't promise that I'll always give a serious answers or even anything necessarily in the neighborhood of a right answer, but I'll try to keep it entertaining.


  1. Brain if you want to see relative and time distortion the go to online chat and ask someone the time note the time where you are and the time that it takes to see the response not that this is done at the near the speed of light In real time.

  2. I thought you were addressing your own brain there for a minute. I guess you really are dyslexic :) Not that you're the first person to make that mistake.

  3. Bryan i am 65 arthritic dyslexic and stuck with a time warp between my mine and the IO devices hands, mouth, and eyes. its clear in my mine but you see what happens. i work at Lawrence livermore national lab on some wild physic projects. most of which i have no idea of what they were trying to do. i have traveled the same road that you have with retaliative.

  4. Here one for you that has bugging me for years. In the summer time people eat tons of watermelons in park in the mountains back yards just about any where I can think of. I thing I would find watermelon growing wild all over the place. I have never found one. I have planted and grown watermelon from the seed came with the melon. Just put them under a ¼ inch of soil and water and they grow. Now why aren’t there wild watermelons????

  5. That is a good one. I'm going to have to look into that.

  6. What if I ask,
    'please don't answer this non-question?"

  7. Most likely they have to proceed through the digestive system of an animal that has said "bye, bye" to the planet a while ago.
    What do you think, dude?

  8. OK, now I'm pissed. I passed the totally invasive "if you can type this funny wavy word we will let you continue.." It's worse than a sobriety test. You know, with the lights flashing, and walking the line, touching your nose, etc. I'm sure you know the routine. So, since you have no training or qualifications....that is really funny by the way....I don't think I have any either, but I feel totally do almost anything. Yup.

  9. OK. Now I'm really pissed. "Your comment will be visible after approval?" Really. Are you sitting at a computer, and is it your job to approve comments? What power! And I thought my job sucked.

  10. Read your reading list. A few things stood out, but i just got the impression you are trying too hard. You know, how when a woman comes into your house/apt. for the first time, she instinctively looks at your book collection to try to somehow,...through the fog....get a sense of who you are. Yeah, throw in some dickens, and a few contemporary authors, just so she knows you can read...and she will feel re-assured enough, that you are reasonably intelligent....good enough...I don't like to criticize without offering a better solution. Just read..."Into the beautiful North" by Luis Alberto Urrea. Ok last time I will bug you. gnite....

  11. I keep the comment moderation on, mostly to keep the drunks and the crazies penned up at the gate for a while, and then I wait and see how many follow-up comments they leave complaining about it. I don't have much else to amuse me in my sad little world. Don't take that away from me too.

    And I'm quite sorry that my reading list doesn't meet with your approval. In the future, I'll try not to read anything that might make me look like I'm showing off. I'll stick strictly to modest and "unimpressive" books. Or maybe I'll just avoid having such cynical women over.

  12. When did you first realize you were attracted to poultry? And do you think there is a bird-ophile gene, or did you make a conscious choice?


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