Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Blog Turns 100

I just spent the morning down at the DMV, which, as you know, is pretty much like having someone break a broom stick across their leg and then give you a colonoscopy with the jagged end of it.  So, I'll try to keep this short and hopefully sweet.  This is the 100th post here on nuclearheadache.  There isn't much to say except thanks to everyone who's kept up with it, and who has contributed their own two cents in the comments.  Thanks to everyone who has spread the word about this blog.  I don't do much on the promotion side these days, and my efforts were always fairly half-assed to begin with, so word of mouth is my most relied upon method, and still the most genuine really.  Things like Entrecard, Twitter, Networked Blogs, and such, get traffic and sometimes "followers", but they don't seem to do much that adds to the actual audience that actually reads this blog.  That seems to come little by little, through interaction and establishing connections and relationships, and it spreads from there.  So help yourself to some cake, and..let's see...what else do we need?  Maybe some ice cream.

There.  That's good.  And maybe some music too...

That'll work.  And how 'bout some strippers?

No, "Stippers"!!!  S-t-r-i-p-p-e-r-s.



  1. This blogging thing really is much more interactive than I thought it would be when I started. I figured I would post my stuff, people (who magically found the site somehow) would tell me how great it was, and that would be the end of it.

    I like the reality better than my expectations.

  2. A confessional. Well done for the milestone. Apparently many people who blog not always get to such a point, which is hard to agree with since all of my related bloggies (which are friends I will never meet who blog and appreciate my own efforts and a possible award of some kind), but maybe this is due to my valued taste in writing and creativity...or the fact I do not really "look" for blogs to read. In any case, I look forward to the next 100 headaches and really think you should guest for me so I don't have to write something. Is that too much to ask? I know you have an Atypical muscle to flex, so flex damn it.


  3. @Doug: The comments are half the fun. ;)

    @Scott: I did do that Hugh Hefner post. I'll see if I can't come up with something else too. I have a deep well of pointless ranting that can tapped.

  4. A voice deep from within the wellOctober 11, 2011 at 12:43 PM

    The backhanded comments go well with the sugar-coated praise. I was wondering if there was a way to take your Atypical Hand and have it made into a balloon for some future pointless promotion. Like, I could send off a dozen or more hands with little tidbits of nonsense and wait to see if anyone comes to the blog to reply. In fact, I might do that anyway...GENIUS!

  5. "Will never meet?" I thought we were all going to show up at Bryan's one day for dinner.

  6. Congratulations! I must say that those are a nice pair of strippers.

  7. Happy birthday? :) Thanks for the slippers and ice cream, but where's the booze??? I only come to these parties for the free alcohol. :)

  8. I agree, I thought I would post, and it would be all about me, but gosh, the comments are just so much fun!

  9. @Deep Well: I think I do have an idea. It was something I was going to put over on FARNC, but then I forgot about it. It would be even more appropriate on AR. I can probably do it this weekend.

    @Doug: We're having tacos w/sour cream. Hopw you like 'em.

    @Charlie: Sexy, ain't they?

    @Rachel: Crap! I knew I forgot something. Guess it'll have to be BYOB.

    @Sierra: Absolutely. Sometimes they also help expand on the basic idea of the post in ways that you couldn't have foreseen.

  10. I didn't know we celebrated such things. I just zoomed passed my tenth blog post without any cake or anything. Now I am up to 12, so I am too late. I have been posting a year in November, so ....

    Roughly nine years from now, I invite you to join me for cake.

    I will say, that it would have been more subtle if you had said something like "and now the the female entertainment" and then put the picture of the strippers.

  11. How's that "stripper" working out for you? (you made me laugh)
    Those s-l-i-p-p-e-r-s look mighty comfy though.

    Congrats on your 100th post - it's a great milestone, way to go!

    Cheers, Jenny

  12. tacos w/ sour cream oozedOctober 12, 2011 at 8:40 AM

    In my most humbled opinion, if we ever did get together, I think it would be one of the more entertaining evenings of a lifetime. It would be like being held in detention for a Saturday only Doug would have to play Michael Hall (Is that he name?)and Chanel is far better looking than Molly Ringwald so the tension would be higher. I'm positive we all would have sore stomachs from all the laughter the next day...

  13. Ah, a Breakfast Club reference.

    Thanks everybody :)

  14. Congrats. I'm sure you have tripled the income of the drug companies.

    This blogging thing has turned into way more than what I expected it to be, that's for sure.

    And the thing with the strippers almost made me spit coffee all over my monitor.

    What's say we meet in the middle somewhere? Take over a motel (but not THAT motel) somewhere in southern Mizzery... oops Missouri or something.

  15. Sounds like I'll be keeping the monitor companies in business too. Now, if only I could get a cut of that money....

  16. And why am I Michael Anthony Hall? Although... I did make a chair in wood shop one time. It broke when I sat on it.

    A motel rendevous, Rev? I hope you are planning on separate rooms. I think Bryan snores.

  17. I DO snore. Have you been spying on me?

  18. I wouldn't call it spying. More like lovingly gazing at you through your bedroom window.

    Speaking of creepy stalkerish behavior, you and your strippers made an appearance at I Like Cheese today.

  19. Um, yeah. I saw that. That picture still disturbs me Doug.

  20. Ach. Now I have to go look. So hard prying my gaze away from that bedroom window...

  21. I doubt it's something you'd want see, but it's probably too late to warn you.

  22. I've been trying to figure out what music is playing on the record. but it's spinning too fast. I have to know what I'm listening to, or I can't enjoy the party.


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